Playing with Parameters

If you didn’t see it, Tink posted a nice little overview of a couple things you can do with function parameters in AS3. I knew about default params from my experience with other languages, but I find the “…” keyword very intriguing. It lets a function receive any number of optional parameters. The function accesses these parameters through a special Array. Now, I don’t know if I’ll ever use this functionality, but it’ll definitely stay in my toolbox in case I do.

About Josh Tynjala

Josh Tynjala is a frontend developer, open source contributor, bowler hat enthusiast, and karaoke addict. You might be familiar with his project, Feathers UI, an open source user interface library for Starling Framework that is included in the Adobe Gaming SDK.


  1. Campbell

    Im thinking it will definately come up one day. Im a bad one for overloads when I dont know the full ramifications of changes Im about to make.